Today marks the first day of the Atlantic hurricane season. It also marks the launch of our new website, The Eyewall. Welcome, and thank you for visiting!
Who are we?
Writing this post today is Matt Lanza, managing editor and meteorologist for Space City Weather, a Houston based weather blog that has gained a large following both in Houston and along the Gulf Coast for our honest, to-the-point, and hype-free coverage of weather. Joining me is Eric Berger, founder, editor, and meteorologist of Space City Weather. You can read more about us here. While we are based in Houston, Eric and Matt have both covered Gulf storms rather aggressively since Space City Weather was established. Matt is also a native of New Jersey and is very familiar with coastal storms and Mid-Atlantic hurricanes and tropical storms. In fact, Matt’s interest in weather stems from Hurricane Gloria in 1985, which moved up the Eastern Seaboard knocking out power to millions and causing over $1 billion (2023 dollars) in damage.

Why do we exist?
In our work with Space City Weather, we have found an audience that is both receptive to our style and is fiercely loyal. We are often asked if there is an “us” equivalent in other places. The Eyewall aims to be the “us” in other places, at least as it pertains to hurricanes. With Space City Weather, we’ve learned a couple things:
In world where you are constantly being pinged on your phone with alerts and can frequently see scary maps of big storms shared in social media groups, there is a desire to have a source for weather that is not going to try to bait you into meaningless engagement or click on hyperbolic headlines. When the weather is boring, we’re boring (though we do try to note interesting meteorological things!), but when the weather gets serious, so do we. Basically, our philosophy is that if we amp up the language or tone in our posts, then you know it’s actually serious. Too much weather coverage centers around engagement and competition for page views, even when weather is not serious. We don’t have any metrics to target or compete for, so all we’re trying to do is build your trust. We view ourselves as a mission-driven public service. As such, we will gladly syndicate our content to any publication or non-profit facing a tropical threat. Please contact us for permission.
We try to humanize weather coverage. Houston has been through a lot, so we know what it’s like when our community suffers. We’ve had family, friends, and colleagues impacted by some of the other major storms in recent years like Ian in southwest Florida, Laura in southwest Louisiana, and Sandy in New York and New Jersey. We’ve seen how bad it can get, and we relate to what you’re going through when disaster strikes. We will try our best to be efficient with your time, clear in our coverage, and empathetic in our tone. The science is cool and important, but people first and foremost just want to know what it means for them and their community. That’s where we will focus our efforts.

What you can expect from us
As noted above, you can expect us to be reined in when the weather is not serious and very serious when the weather requires that. You can expect posts that are clear and transparent as to our expectations with upcoming storms. When we aren’t sure about the forecast, we’ll tell you and explain what the possible outcomes are. We will do our best to answer your questions as we can here or on our social media accounts.
As far as content goes, for those of you familiar with Space City Weather, the cadence will be similar. You can expect a post each morning with a tropical outlook for the Atlantic basin. Look for our first one later this morning. We will cover what’s happening now, any tropical waves or disturbances of note, and focus on possible impacts. We will also tackle what we call “fantasyland,” which is often where the most misinformation on social media comes from. If a model is showing a storm on day 14, we’ll note it and explain why (in most cases) it will not happen or why it’s worth watching.
When a storm threatens, be it in Portland, Maine, Port St. Lucie, Florida, Puerto Rico, or Port Aransas, Texas, we will cover that storm in depth. We’ll have more frequent posts, explain risks, impacts, and share updates as needed both in the run up and aftermath. You can expect the same style of coverage we have devoted to Houston for big storms to be with us here at The Eyewall.
Outside of tropical storms and hurricanes, our coverage will be modest for now. We may post some items of interest at times. In fact, next week, look for a post here at The Eyewall that will tackle the question, “Why are we seeing so many frequent big storms in the Gulf of Mexico?” High end major hurricanes have made landfall on the Gulf Coast in 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022. We will explain what the research says about this issue. If we establish ourselves and are able to build a large enough audience, we will expand our coverage to other weather events in time. For now, hurricanes are what we know best, and that’s what we’ll stick with.

How can you help us grow?
We know we’ll have a small base of excited and loyal readers to start. All we ask is that you share the site with friends and family that may live on the coast or in inland hurricane prone locations. If a storm threatens, let them know about us, much as our Houston audience just happened to do during Harvey and Laura. Otherwise, we’ll let our coverage speak for itself and, as we did with Space City Weather, work to grow organically and over time.
Meanwhile, give us a follow on our social media platforms:
And on the right side of the page, sign up for email updates, so you get our daily updates in your inbox.
Let us know your feedback, thoughts, and questions. We are here for you, and we look forward to serving you this hurricane season, and hopefully in the future. Thanks for visiting!
Looking forward to getting my hurricane learn on, Matt! <3
Thank you for all of your hard work and best of luck on your new adventure !
Thank you for all you both do to keep us informed. Looking foward to this new adventure and watching it grow.
No hype. I like it!
Looking forward to your insight and rationality rather than the drama from other forecasters.
This is an awesome idea and I hope it works out for you, Matt!
I love your Space City Weather site; read it daily and I’ve told all my friends and family that this is the BEST information for weather related events. Keep up the good work and I look forward to your new hurricane season site. 🙂
Great idea! Good luck and thank you!!
Thanks can’t tell you how good this is for my morning read…you two are great! I spend a lot of time during the Atlantic hurricane season on smaller vessels from the Caribbean to the east coast in transit…having my home town Houston crew giving insight is comforting!
FYI, your contact us link is broken on this post and your about us post.
From Freeport, Tx.
I like that you two are doing this! Too many times we have received sensationalized weather forecasts for storms that get too many people in a panic!
I’m looking forward to No Hype storm forecasts!
wait u have a tictok? doesn SCW have a tictok account? How come i havent ever seen anything from it. maybe its time for a little sidebar 🙂
Thank you!
One of the problems during storms and hurricanes is that many of us lose our internet supplier’s feed. During every storm, we usually have no internet, no cable, no phone and limited radio and our location has limited reception for local media.
Even having our own standby generator doesn’t solve that problem!
Working on better connections for this season and will be following your new site.
Well done Matt and Eric. Thanks for this.
I have followed you since pre Harvey, 2015 and as a life long weather enthusiast and former storm chaser growing up in the Midwest, I have thoroughly enjoyed following you all for the last 8 years! This is fantastic news to have the steady and real weather info needed to make informed decisions moving forward around the tropical world in the U.S. I have no doubt you will be successful and grow your following around the country in a big way! I love the detailed, no fluff, no hype approach. When you get concerned, I get concerned (a few days before Harvey when you started getting concerned, and showing potential rainfall amounts, I took action and it paid off! Thank you all for your hard work. All my friends and family follow you as well. Good luck on the new venture and may we all have a peaceful and non-exciting hurricane season!
Being a part-time transplant to Houston, have never talked about weather so much. I love seeing your update for true weather, prediction, and trust it! Thank you so very much.
Will be passing on site info to my sister in Florida. Thanks.
Wearing a Space City Weather T-shirt as we speak. This is great for all of us. Thank you and best wishes.
Been looking forward to something new after the demise of Weather Underground! Thanks guys!!!
This is great! I’m sure this will be a big a hit as SCW. Love the NO HYPE, NO BS and informative approach you guys have. I tell everyone about you! Thank you for taking weather forecasts to a new level, one that has been needed for a long time.
Great stuff guys. Keep up the good work. It is most appreciated.
Awesome! We moved to Sarasota from Houston when O&G companies retrenched in 2020, and were looking for something local that had your “no hype” perspective. Am a subscriber again!
Arg … fat fingers. Typo correction
Glad to join up My house sometimes floods and your posts are the only thing that keeps me sane.
I’m really looking forward to seeing your coverage and learning everything I can about what we’re experiencing.
This year will be strange, with all that latent heat just sitting in the various waters and the growing steamy jungle of the Southeast. No one really talks about the mud hurricanes.
Lots of interesting players this year.
I live south of the big city of Houston in Aransas Pass, TX. As a Gulf Coast resident and self-professed weather nerd, I thank you for this site!
Any ideas for what kind of coverage / content will be posted in the offseason or can we expect this page to mostly hibernate for those months?
We’re still in TBD mode on that. We may pivot to cover other weather info, but given the time commitment, we may not. We’ll see how this summer goes and go from there. At the least, we will provide updates on research, news, etc. We don’t want to distract our core audience too much though.
What is happening in the tropics today? Does that “x” in the Gulf mean anything to Houston?
Nope…no concerns for Houston. Our second post covers everything you need to know about that.
Great to hear. Is its destiny to end up a remnant low just south of Cuba? I can’t help but ask because a low around Cuba usually worries people.
Glad to see you’re spreading your wings, and your coverage. I know there’s a desire for the information you can provide, the way you provide it. I’ll be sending links to family & friends in FL, SC, NC, and VA.
Thank you.
I can’t find The Eyewall app. Do you have an app yet?
No app yet. Maybe eventually. We’ll see how successful this is!
Will you ever advise Katy?
You haven’t left yet?
1000 Thanks!!!
Daily Eyewall newsletter signup?
If you’re on mobile, scroll down below the posts…if on desktop, look to the right sidebar.
So glad to see this new site, I’m a long time reader of Space City Weather!
Just curious, what storm is pictured (from the ISS?) in your header at the top where it says “The Eyewall”?
Thank you! I have to double check, but I believe it is Hurricane Florence from 2018 off the Southeast coast.