August 23, 2023 Outlook: Four named storms quickly flared up, but only Franklin remains for now

Between August 19 and 21 we saw the formation of a flurry of tropical storms—Gert, Emily, Franklin, and Harold. The first two storms remained at sea and did not affect any landmasses, although Emily may be resurrected later this week. Harold moved inland into South Texas, bringing largely beneficial rains to the Rio Grande Valley, and is now rapidly dissipating over Northern Mexico.

That leaves Tropical Storm Franklin, which is presently near Hispaniola and is a threat to bring heavy rainfall there and in other Caribbean locations. We’ll start with Franklin, and then look at what else might be lurking out in the Atlantic tropics.

A satellite view of the tropics as of Wednesday morning. (NOAA)

Tropical Storm Franklin

The system has improved its circulation overnight, and as of 8 am ET packed sustained winds of 50 mph. This is probably the top end of its strength for now. For the rest of today it will slowly move north, across Hispaniola, brining heavy rainfall and potentially mudslides to the Dominican Republic and Haiti. By tonight, it could also bring tropical storm conditions to Turks and Caicos.

Franklin is likely to weaken somewhat today as it interacts with the landmass of Hispaniola, and also struggles with wind shear. The intensity forecast is complicated later this week, as the system moves north of the Caribbean Sea. Sea surface temperatures are plenty hot, but wind shear could put a damper on the system. The National Hurricane Center predicts that Franklin will become a Category 1 hurricane this weekend, but my confidence in such a forecast is low.

Official forecast track for Franklin. (National Hurricane Center)

By early next week we’re going to have to watch the track of Franklin closely, as the system may come near Bermuda as it starts to meander north. Like with the intensity forecast, I would not place high confidence a in track forecast for the storm after this weekend.

Rain accumulations of 20 to 25 cm (8 to 10 inches) are possible over parts of Hispaniola today and tomorrow due to Franklin. (Weather Bell

Emily, zombie-fied

Do you remember Tropical Storm Emily? It’s OK if you don’t. The storm produced some gale force winds for several hours on Sunday, in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, and then succumbed to dry air. However, the remains of Emily have started to show signs of organizing as the storm finds more favorable conditions over the central Atlantic. It has a pretty decent chance of regenerating in the days ahead.

Nevertheless, this system is not something to get worked up about. It may noodle about the Northern Atlantic as a fish storm, but I don’t think it’s going to pass near land. Certainly, we won’t see this Emily in Paris.

What else is out there?

We’re watching a few other problematic areas, but there’s nothing that gives me too much concern. Frankly, this is a pretty good place to be in as we approach the end of August and early September.

For several days we have mentioned the possibility of a system spinning up in the Western Caribbean Sea and then moving north into the Gulf of Mexico, but there’s still not a whole lot of model support for that. In fact, my concerns are lessening there. The second watch area lies in the eastern Atlantic Ocean, where we will see new tropical waves moving off the coast of Africa. Those may eventually become a threat, but as of now there’s no concrete concerns to point to.

August 16, 2023 Outlook: Is the Atlantic Ocean waking from its mid-summer slumber?

One-sentence summary

There are several tropical systems to track but the most intriguing area to focus on lies in the Gulf of Mexico, where a tropical wave may bring beneficial rains to some lucky area early next week.

Happening now: Three waves to watch

Let’s start out with this morning’s tropical weather outlook from the National Hurricane Center. These are published every six hours during the Atlantic hurricane season, and provide a good overview of where the experts at the Miami-based center expect action over the next seven days.

Seven-day tropical outlook. (National Hurricane Center)

Those orange-blob tropical disturbances in the eastern Atlantic are certainly eye-catching, and this is definitely the time of year when we start to worry about waves moving off of Africa, and traversing the Atlantic Ocean to threaten the United States, Caribbean islands, and Mexico. But I don’t think we’re going to have to worry too much about either of these waves.

The easternmost disturbance has a 40 percent chance of developing, the hurricane center says. I say have at it, because this system is very likely to get pulled northward into the central Atlantic Ocean. The system probably has about five days to become something before conditions become marginal to sustain a tropical storm or hurricane. So a fish storm, maybe.

The closer tropical wave has a 50 percent chance of developing, according to the hurricane center. As Matt noted yesterday, if the wave tracks more westward than northwestward, it will eventually run into some drier air as it approaches the Caribbean. Still, given its potential to get closer to the Caribbean islands, this is a wave probably worth watching a little more closely over the next week. Fortunately, it faces an uphill climb to become anything of note.

The medium range (days 6 to 10): The Gulf wave

Finally, the National Hurricane Center has highlighted a tropical wave forming in the Gulf of Mexico next week, giving it a 20 percent chance of developing. The Gulf is blazing hot, and the old adage I always stick to is that you never want to see a low pressure system there in August or September. However, in this case there are a lot of factors working against the tropical low, including its fairly rapid forward speed. So there are probably a fair number of Gulf coast residents eying the tropical system as a potential salve to drought conditions. Texas, in particular, could use a good soaking.

Whether that happens is going to depend on a rather stout high pressure system over the Central United States. The map below shows a rather intense high developing over Iowa, Missouri, Nebraska and Kansas next week. If the high is too strong, it will force the Gulf system south of the Upper Texas coast and Louisiana. If the high is further south than that, then again, it will force the wave south, toward South Texas. If the high is weaker or further north, it would allow the wave to come to the Upper Texas coast or Louisiana.

It will probably be a day or two before the forecast provides some clarity on where the low will go. (Weather Bell/The Eyewall)

Beyond the Gulf wave, and the two aforementioned systems in the Eastern Atlantic Ocean, there’s not too much else to track in the medium-term.

Fantasyland (beyond day 10): No more Mr. Nice Gyre

There is also not much to grab on to in the models right now as we get toward the final few days of August. I do think there’s the potential for some action in the Western Caribbean Sea about 10 days from now, probably related to the Central American Gyre, which is basically a broad monsoonal low-pressure system over Central America. (A more detailed discussion can be found here). There’s no specific threat to point to, but it is not out of the realm of possibility that a tropical low could develop here and lift north into the Gulf of Mexico by late August. As this is super speculative, it’s not something I’m losing sleep about.

Nor should you.

August 8 Outlook: A bit of activity on the distant horizon

One-sentence summary

There is some sporadic tropical wave activity out there in the Atlantic right now, but nothing worth getting too worked up about—but next week, maybe?

Happening now: Not a whole lot

This morning’s satellite snapshot of the Main Development Region for tropical systems, between Africa and the Caribbean Sea, shows some waves dinking and dunking along. But there’s just not much that’s too impressive out there. And anything that gets too frisky is likely to get sliced up like sushi due to fairly high wind shear levels across much of the basin.

The tropical wave train looks fairly anemic for early August. (NOAA)

I would expect this pattern to persist for the rest of this week.

The medium range (days 6 to 10): Some tropical-ish near Cuba?

The medium-term is a little bit more interesting. Various ensemble members of the European model, in particular, seem to latch on to a low pressure system in the northwestern Caribbean Sea this weekend, and drag a weak low pressure system into the Gulf of Mexico next week. I’m not bullish on development, but if anything does it probably would be driven westward into Mexico due to the persistent high pressure over Texas.

Highlighting a couple of areas to watch over the next 10 days.

The models are also latching onto a tropical wave that will probably emerge off the coast of Africa this weekend, and suggesting it may have some chance of developing in a week to 10 days over the open Atlantic Ocean. That’s certainly possible, and something we’ll perhaps be discussing in the coming days. We shall see. For now, there’s not much more to say.

Fantasyland (beyond day 10): All eyes on the Main Development Region

The main take-away is that, overall, we’re in a good position heading into mid-August. There are no signs of the tropical Atlantic imminently lighting up like a Christmas tree. That doesn’t mean it won’t happen, but there are no signs that it will. Which is great.

The other thing to say is that our focus, increasingly, is going to be on the Main Development Region, and new tropical waves emerging off of Africa. This wave train typically becomes much more prominent during the final weeks of August and, of course, throughout September.

August 2, 2023 Outlook: A warning from the UK Met Office on the forthcoming season

One-sentence summary

There is one area in the Central Atlantic that we’re tracking, but we don’t expect it to develop; otherwise things are blissfully quiet for early August.

Approaching “go” time for the Atlantic season

The start of August means that we’re now just a couple of weeks from when activity in the Atlantic Ocean often starts to pick up. The outlook this season is complicated because of several factors. One is that sea surface temperatures in the Atlantic basin are absolutely sizzling. During the last month the “main development region,” a stretch of tropical water between Africa and the Caribbean Sea where most major Atlantic hurricanes develop, the sea surface temperature averaged 82.4° Fahrenheit, a full degree above any previous July. This trend will certainly continue into the heart of hurricane season, and is very concerning.

Overall, British forecasters anticipate about twice as much tropical activity as normal. (Met Office)

At the same time, with El Niño active in the Pacific Ocean, we’re seeing somewhat higher wind shear and sinking air over the Atlantic Ocean. So far, this has helped to dampen activity in the deep tropics. But we’re about to get to the point in the season where the African wave train rumbles to life, and it’s not clear to me that there will be enough shear to overpower the formation of some very strong and threatening hurricanes. To that end, the United Kingdom’s Met Office released an updated seasonal forecast that calls for a very busy season with 19 named storms and, worryingly, 6 major hurricanes. Overall, based on the Accumulated Cyclone Energy index, the British forecasters anticipate about twice as much activity as normal.

Seasonal forecasts are just a guide, of course. But we’re going to need to keep a close eye on the tropics for the next 10 to 12 weeks.

Happening now: A disorganized wave

The only system of note in the Atlantic tropics right now is a tropical wave several hundred miles east of Bermuda. It’s struggling at the moment, but has a slight chance of becoming a tropical depression or storm over the next week. As its contending against dust and shear, I’d guess the end is near. But we’ll see. Regardless, it’s not a threat to land anywhere so we can pretty much ignore it. (Well, that is, we could ignore it if we weren’t a website dedicated to covering tropical activity in the Atlantic basin).

Is the end nigh for this little guy? (National Hurricane Center)

The medium range (days 6 to 10): Off the coast of Africa

As Matt noted on Tuesday, a tropical wave moving off the coast of Africa at present could be something to watch in a week or so as it slowly plods across the Atlantic Ocean. If this becomes a tropical depression, due to steering currents in the Atlantic, it probably would move toward the Caribbean Sea. Still, this is no sure thing, and probably not something we should be too concerned about at the moment.

Fantasyland (beyond day 10): All quiet on the Western front?

In the overnight runs we’re not seeing the global models get too excited about anything in the next two weeks. That doesn’t mean nothing will happen, it’s just that right now there is nothing obvious out there that will become a problem. The tropics are unpredictable like that.